Why is that important - important enough, in fact, to be the title of the movie? So much of Star Wars mythology is based around the Force, but so many of the movies point to it being something that, just maybe shouldn’t be used by Jedi or Sith alike, because it always leads to (Darth Vader/Kylo Ren-esque) trouble.
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Let’s assume that the title of the movie refers to Rey’s discovery of her own Force powers. What if that movie is about the darkness growing inside the galaxy when no one is expecting it, because they think the First Order has been eradicated? Surely its destruction would be a major setback … which offers an unusual and interesting starting point for Episode VIII. (Along similar lines, what will Han’s death do to Leia in future? We’ve seen her retreat into the general’s role when faced with Ren’s betrayal, but could Han’s death prompt her to finally take up her father’s heritage in some way - either by embracing the Force, or perhaps giving into fear and anger and turning to the Dark Side herself? One hopes that either way, Episode VIII will have more Carrie Fisher, who was relatively unused in Force Awakens, sadly.)Īccording to the backstory explained away in the opening crawl, the Republic - the good guys, to be simplistic about things - are still the dominant power in the galaxy at the start of The Force Awakens, and that would seem to be even more the case by the end of the movie, considering that the construction of the Starkiller Base would appear to have been a significant undertaking by the First Order. From her dialogue with Han, she rejected Ren when he first chose the Dark Side, so how will a reunion go now that he’s killed her husband? The revelation of Kylo Ren’s lineage is something that offers a lot of meat for future movies - not only the possibility that his primary nemesis, Rey, could be his cousin (or perhaps his sister, maybe possibly), but the question of what happens with he finally comes face-to-face with Leia, which feels inevitable after the events of Force Awakens. In fact, what if he’s another of Maz’s race? Star Wars does like its good/evil pairings after all, so why shouldn’t there be another seeming immortal out there, causing as much trouble as Maz seemed to be trying to keep under control?) That said, there was a lot to him that needs future unpacking: Why is he trying to resurrect the Dark Side of the Force? What is his plan? And, really, who is he? (I did love that the hologram was so large however, I like to imagine that he’s overcompensating and that the real Snoke will be tiny, like Maz Kanata. He looked like Gollum on steroids, using the Emperor’s FaceTime hologram account. Let’s be honest: the debut of the mysterious new leader of the First Order was a little underwhelming. 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens': Film Review If, for some reason, she’s not a Skywalker, then there’s an entirely new storyline awaiting her at some point in a future feature. But being Luke’s daughter would also explain the connection she had to Luke’s lightsaber in particular), but it’s never actually outright stated in the movie itself. The implication is that she’s a Skywalker kid (Luke’s, most likely she didn’t seem to recognize Leia or Han, after all, and his exile would also answer why it was clear that her family wasn’t coming back. The most obvious dangling thread from Force Awakens is the identity of Rey’s parents. (Another question left unanswered by Force Awakens: why is Luke is the last Jedi? What happened to the other Force adepts that Luke was training at the same time as Ren?) Was he in exile through shame of not teaching Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) to reject the dark side, or some other reason? Could his withdrawal from the fray have been out of a new dedication to pacifism, for example? Or will he end up accompanying Rey back to rejoin his sister in battle?

While Hamill will inevitably rejoin the cast for a more active role in the untitled next installment, what Luke will do remains a mystery. So, Rey (Daisy Ridley) ends the movie having found Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), but judging from his reaction to seeing the outstretched lightsaber, he didn’t seem entirely eager to rejoin the ongoing war.